Hi Andrea, I already bought a fibre glass Didgeridoo from you some Years ago – now i saw your new project 4 parts plus slide…  Can you please tell me, the possible keys with this Didgeridoo (highest to lowest)? How much is it & the most important question: Is ist easy to slide? Whats the orices for it? whats about the key-range of the 4part didge? With the different lenghs or parts? Do you have also pictures of the 4part didge? Is it also possible to get it in white like on the homepage? 
I’am looking for a Didjeribone alternative… 


Hi Manuel, here is one I made:

But this were made under specific requests. and it has a small bell. obviously color is not a problem. here you find prices about didges with 12cm bell:

Didgeridoo in one piece (without slide) can be made in every key: D, D#, E, F, F#, G

Didgeridoo in 2 pieces (without slide) can be made in every key: D, D#, E, F, F#, G

Didgeridoo in 2 pieces (plus slide) is usually tuned from C to F, B to E,

It is possible to add a 3rd part, that contains an additional slide to the Didgeridoo in 2 pieces (plus slide) is usually tuned from C to F, B to E,
600€ this is the didge I realized for Markus that you can see on the video.

then you can add a slide more. in this way you will have about 4 semi tones more. So, for example. if you have a 2 parts (bell+body) plus slide C to F extension, you will be able to play even B, Bb, A, Ab, G with an additional slide and Gb, F, E with 2 additional slides the 4 parts made in this way, costs 750€
anyway, let me know if everything is clear… and, if you have any idea, let me know your need.

Please let me know your opinion.

Hi, thanks for your detailed information. 

Could you also build a Slidedige thats like the Didjeribone (same dimensions, Keys…) because with this instrument i can play all my band songs, because i have to slide a lot (I play the bass lines from G down to H – so i can’t play with a 4 Part double slide didge)!!! 

No I’m sorry.

I can’t for a main reason. I do not like to replicate didgeridoos made by other makers except in case of cooperation.
Then if I would do a didje like the didjeribone, the cost would be more expansive than the didjeribone cause they use mass production tools. If you need a didjeribone, I can supply it to you.
I’m cooperating with them for about 10 years now 🙂

Let me know.

Andrea Ferroni http://www.andreaferroni.it